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Pingat Emas dalam pertandingan Materials Technology Challenges (MTC) 2019 anjuran Universiti Pertahananan Nasional Malaysia, UPNM telah dimenangi oleh staf Fakulti Sains Gunaan dengan penyertaaan bertajuk Elastic Properties of Sidium Pottasiumā€¦

Pingat Emas dalam pertandingan Materials Technology Challenges (MTC) 2019 anjuran Universiti Pertahananan Nasional Malaysia, UPNM telah dimenangi oleh staf Fakulti Sains Gunaan dengan penyertaaan bertajuk Sunlight based Irradiation for focileā€¦

GOLD MEDAL at the 28th International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition 2017. Title "G2B: Gut-Brain Revitalized!

GOLD AWARD at Malaysian Technology Expo (MTE) 2021- Tilte "Pectin Hydrogel Wound Dressing for Diabetic Burn Wounds

GOLD AWARD at Malaysian Technology Expo (MTE) 2021- Tilte "Prog: Get Your Lifestyle Revolutioned!

Postgraduate Webinar Series "Evaluating Proposal for Master's Degree by Research" by Professor Dr Kiranjit Kaur (Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, UiTM)

Postgraduate Webinar Series "Supervising Postgraduate Research" by Professor Dr Azizul Halim Yahya (Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, UiTM)

Financial Literacy Workshop for Postgraduate Students of FCMS by En. Syed Muhammad Salim (Independent Financial Consultant) and Hjh. Norazian Hj. Ahmad (Bursary, UiTM)

Inteliigence Talk Series "The Academization of Intelligence: The Role of Academic in National Security" by Lieutenant General Datuk Ahmad Norihan Bin Jalal (Director General of Defence Intelligence)

Student Mobility Inbound Programme with Faculty of Language and Literature Education "Steps to Structuring A Journal Writing For Scholarly Publications" by Dr Suffian Hadi Ayub (Award Winning Recipient of Fundamental Research Grants Scheme (FRGS))
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